Golem is a bipedal tortoise-like boulder Pokémon with a spherical body covered by a shell of plated, green rocks. Its body is so hard that even dynamite cannot ... Golem (Pokémon)/Generation... · Ponyta (Pokémon) · III · IV
As a Rock and Ground-type Pokémon, Golem is especially weak against Grass and Water-type moves, and weak against Fighting, Ground, Ice, and Steel-type moves. Golem CP and IV Chart · Moves · Trainer Battles · Counters
Origin. Golem appears to be based on a rock or boulder with elements of a tortoise, animals believed to carry the world on their backs in some mythologies.
Golem was once well known as a legendary bird killer, preying on their pervasive Rock-type weakness. It benefits from strong stats, excellent moves, ...
It deliberately blows itself up, then uses this explosive force to jump from mountain to mountain. It is enclosed in a hard shell that is as rugged as slabs ...
Golem is the premier Stealth Rock setter in the tier. Sturdy enables it to almost always set up Stealth Rock as well as check opposing Pokemon in an emergency.